Hohenlohe, the Legacy
(Hohenlohe, dedictvo), 2025.
Wild Slovakia with Nigel Marven
(Divoká príroda Slovenska s Nigelom Marvenom), 2023.
Hohenlohe, Earl of Tatras
(Hohenlohe, knieža Tatier), 2023.
Living water, living world
(Živá voda, živý svet), 28′,2023.
Land of meadows: a forgotten story
(Príbeh krajiny Lúk), 32′, 2020.
Danube Fantasy
(Hľadám Dunaj), 54′, 2020. Distributed by ORF Enterprise.
Souslik Pop and his family
(Syseľ Puko a jeho rodina), 2019. Distributed by ORF Enterprise.
I Live the Danube
(Žijem Dunajom), 52′, 2017. Distributed by ORF Enterprise.
Bratislava – a city surrounded by nature
(Bratislava – mesto uprostred prírody), 52′, 2016.
White Embrace
(Biele objatie), 52′, 2015.
Hooves in the Wind
(Vo vetre kopýt), 52′, 2014. Distributed by ORF Enterprise.
Return of Common Swift
(Návrat dažďovníkov), 30′, 2014.
cooperation (camera)
UNIVERSUM TYROLEAN WONDERLAND: The Realm of the Peregrine Falcon
Universum: Naturparadies Seefeld – Im Reich des Wanderfalken, 55′, 2019.
Universum: Die wunderbare Welt des Weingartens, 52′, 2019.
Albania – Land of Mystery
(Albánsko – Krajina tajomstva), 202?.
Laos, travel film
(Laos, cestopis), 202?.
Mountain born
(Zrodení horami), 202?.